This notion, inherited from Confucius, can be found in the ancient texts of Chinese medicine (Classic of the Yellow Emperor Huang-Di Nei-Jing) where it is mentioned that the heart is the sovereign of the body.
When the monarch (i.e., the heart) is in a state of brilliant enlightenment, all the other organs are at peace, ensuring health and longevity; when the sacred connection is re-established, pain finally disappears…
In chakra terms, the heart chakra resonates with the heart, blood, circulatory system, lungs, thymus, immune system and sense of touch. Just as this part of our consciousness is linked to our perception of love, relationships, family/friendship, partnerships, etc. so too is the heart chakra.
Any tension in the heart chakra is therefore a reflection of conflict, deception or a feeling of not being loved, of being in a relationship or not (being able to) be in a relationship with someone.
Before his death, Dr. Olivier Soulier never stopped stressing the importance of the meaning of life, the meaning we give to “being healthy” and “being sick”, a notion he hadn’t learned during his medical training or early career.
He understood that illness had a meaning, that it served a purpose, that of warning us of a lack, a deficiency, a wound of love. Love is to be understood here in the widest and most unconditional sense.
Even more generally, we could refer to emotion, conflict and trauma, and these are always linked to the (unconditional) love we may not have received in the way we needed.
According to the doctor, undergoing inhibition (a form of protection) is one of the fundamental causes of illness.
In his book GENE KEYS, Richard Rudd(1) (teacher, mystic, explorer and award-winning poet) puts forward the following information: “True intelligence is activated through the patience and softness of the heart, and only later confirmed by the mind”. This helps us to understand the importance of the heart, of unconditional love and of our fears (shadow side) in our life, our balance and our liberation process. Unity between human and divine…
Let’s become aware that we live in a “belief system” that is unique to each of us, yet induced by a controlling society (mass and thought control, distraction, trauma-stress-harassment or emotional shock chronically sprinkled in) that shapes our vision of this world. This system is different from reality, but we think it’s reality… These are simply our beliefs… And illnesses respond to these codes and beliefs!
We are electro-magnetic living beings(2) which means that we vibrate, we are frequency, and this information is carried throughout our body and beyond… We are the words we speak, which are frequency, we are our thoughts, which are vibration… Our thoughts and our words are creators = we manifest in ourselves and around us what we have in our unconscious and which is validated as true by our mind (Cf. Neville Goddart’s books).
For those of you who still have doubts about this opportunity to grow, understand and rely on the most beautiful thing of all * LOVE * here’s an excerpt from a cardiology article, which I think makes a perfect link with our incoherent, dehumanized and rootless times:
Will AI Replace Cardiologists and Turn Them Into Managers?
Ute Eppinger – September 07, 2023
At the Radical Health Festival Helsinki (RHFH) this past June, Gerhard Hindricks, MD, PhD, was challenged by a young man when he dared to look into the crystal ball. “In the middle of my presentation, a maybe 25-year-old man stood up and said, ‘Dr. Hindricks, in 10 years, we will no longer need you!’ ” reported Hindricks at the great debate event “Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Cardiologists?” at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress in Amsterdam. He subsequently had an interesting discussion with the man. In his opinion, the future role of the physician is “an unavoidable discussion for cardiovascular medicine.”
Hindricks, from the University of Leipzig in Germany, considered artificial intelligence in cardiology to be “potentially the most important topic of the congress” and suggested that “we have to be more open to introducing new technologies into our practice….
But back to the heart…
The heart is quite simply at the center of everything, it has well-defined “functions” of capital importance, and this goes far beyond the coldly mechanical-scientific aspect of our Western culture. It all starts with the idea that:
- The heart is not a pump but a vortex creator. Cf. book by Dr Tom COWAN: Human heart, cosmic heart(3)
- The heart is the organ affiliated with summer and belongs to the fire element.
- The heart and stress are linked.
Physical and/or emotional stress decreases the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, particularly the vagus nerve(4) , while increasing that of the sympathetic nervous system(5) , causing, among other things, an acceleration of the heart rate and constriction of the cardiac muscles.
- The Heart governs blood and blood vessels in TCM(6).
In Chinese medicine, the Heart is involved in blood formation. It receives food Qi from the Spleen and air Qi from the Lung, and transforms it into blood. The Heart governs the propulsion and circulation of blood in the vessels.
Heart Qi in TCM corresponds to the “pumping” function in conventional medicine.
If Heart Qi is strong, it will beat regularly and the whole body will be well vascularized, with a rosy, radiant complexion. On the contrary, if Heart Qi is deficient, you may suffer from palpitation, a pale, dull complexion and chest pains.
- Heart and Kidneys are two vital organs of our body in TCM
In the Guts-Organs (Zangfu 脏腑) theory of Chinese medicine, they are the most fundamental representation of Yin and Yang. Their proper relationship is the basis of normal physiological and psycho-emotional activity in the body, in other words, the basis of good health.
- The Heart houses the spirit (Shen) in TCM
Shen is the visceral entity housed within the Heart.
Shen is responsible for mental activity, memory, consciousness, thought and sleep.
If the Heart is strong, thinking will be clear and sharp, memory good, sleep deep…
If, on the contrary, the Heart is deficient, there will be difficulties in memorizing and concentrating, sleep will be disturbed with difficulty falling asleep or insomnia, and we may suffer from anxiety or agitation.
- The emotion linked to the Heart is joy
Every emotion we feel is natural. But if an emotion is felt too strongly or for too long, it can damage the organ to which it is attached.
Intense joy similar to elation can unbalance the Heart. Excessive Heart fire can manifest itself in maniac states or uncontrolled laughter.
By contrast, a deficiency of the Heart can manifest itself as a permanent state of joylessness, with a loss of interest in things.
A quick tip if you’re interested…
When a health imbalance occurs, ask yourself the following question(s):
- What happened in my life when the “symptom” occurred?
- Can I identify a link between the stress I experienced – even at an unconscious level – and my physical symptom?
- What, on the other hand, nourishes my well-being and serenity?
- What activities bring me inner calm and love for myself and for life?
- Is connecting with nature part of my daily routine?
- What role does love play in my life today?
- Do my fears take precedence over my deepest desires?
- What is my relationship with sex, and what is the nature of my relationships with others?
(2) The Invisible Rainbow – A History of Electricity and Life. Arthur Firstenberg (2020)
(4) In connection with rest and the self-regulation of physiological processes such as digestion, breathing, the right heart rhythm, a calm and peaceful heart…
(5) Linked to the ability to flight or fight = increased acuity, precision, focus and energy to react effectively in the face of “danger”
(6) TCM = Traditional Chinese Medicine